
Miranda Abbott Wittman is an experienced Yoga teacher who began the study of Iyengar Yoga at the age of 17. She has traveled and studied with many teachers but owes most of her training to David Robson. Miranda believes in delivering an authentic yogic experience and maintains a dedicated Ashtanga practice following the teachings of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. Miranda has been a teacher of both yoga and dance for over 20 years and has loved every minute of it.

Yoga Teacher

Ashtanga Yoga is a system of yoga transmitted to the modern world by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois (1915-2009). This method of yoga involves synchronizing the breath with a progressive series of postures — a process producing intense internal heat and a profuse, purifying sweat that detoxifies muscles and organs. The result is improved circulation, a light, and a strong body, and a calm mind.

If you’re visiting the Central Valley and want to keep up with your yoga practice, please contact Miranda to set up a private lesson. My Yoga with Miranda is a favorite with both visitors and permanent residents of Costa Rica. Whether a full-time student or attending classes for a short period of time, Miranda will introduce you to Ashtanga Yoga through her own creative interpretations of the style in a safe and effective manner.

Follow this link to read more about Miranda and her dance projects such as Dance Equations, a math curriculum for teachers that focuses on instruction in movement.

Please contact Miranda if you wish to book private sessions.

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Miranda is not currently teaching scheduled classes in Playas del Coco and has moved to the Central Valley. If you wish to take a class with Miranda please arrange a private session. Miranda will post her new teaching schedule and location when the information is available.

About her Classes:

“Beginners are welcome at all classes but I encourage you to go easy and rest when you need to. Sometimes our egos need a rest just like our bodies, so it’s important to learn when to push and work hard and when to quiet the mind (and pace) and listen to the body. Like any physical exercise, you can hurt yourself doing yoga. That is why you must learn to practice with awareness and patience. Yoga teaches us more about ourselves than anything else. Enlightenment can’t be rushed nor can the overcoming of physical limitations. I promise you, if you keep this clear mind on your practice, yoga will do good things for your body, mind, and soul. The daily practice of yoga is what will help you most, not giving “all you got” in one class. Yoga is a way of life. Who you are politically, spiritually and physically are all important and must be incorporated into your practice.

I like to say this to my students: “The hardest part about yoga is not making excuses.”

I hope you enjoy my classes.”

-Miranda Abbott Wittman

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Classes by Miranda


Primary Series Ashtanga with Miranda


This Ashtanga class focuses on helping students learn the primary Ashtanga Series.  Ashtanga Yoga is a system of yoga transmitted to the modern world by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois (1915-2009). This method of yoga involves synchronizing the breath with a progressive series of postures — a process producing intense internal heat and a profuse, purifying sweat that detoxifies muscles and organs. The result is improved circulation, a light, and a strong body, and a calm mind.  Ashtanga is 1% theory and 99% practice, so be ready to move as we strengthen and stretch the mind, body, and soul.

Miranda’s Primary Series class has a dedicated group of students. Each week Miranda focuses on sections of the series, helping students overcome the challenges of this particular style. Once students have shown proficiency, Miranda leads them through the full series of postures. Unlike a Mysore class, Miranda does vary the sequencing and adds postures to serve her students’ needs. She returns to the series throughout the year when appropriate and focuses on the students with whom she is working.

*Miranda recommends that students who wish to join the Tuesday and Thursday advanced classes practice yoga a minimum of three times per week. If you aren’t practicing regularly you could risk injury.  Please practice safely and wisely.

Ashtanga with Miranda

warrior pose

This Ashtanga class focuses on helping students learn the primary Ashtanga Series.  Ashtanga Yoga is a system of yoga transmitted to the modern world by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois (1915-2009). This method of yoga involves synchronizing the breath with a progressive series of postures — a process producing intense internal heat and a profuse, purifying sweat that detoxifies muscles and organs. The result is improved circulation, a light, and a strong body, and a calm mind.  Ashtanga is 1% theory and 99% practice, so be ready to move as we strengthen and stretch the mind, body, and soul.

Similar to Miranda’s Primary Class, she focuses on teaching the primary series. In the Ashtanga class, Miranda teaches the fundamentals and does not go into advanced postures. This is a flowing Vinyasa class, and an excellent class to learn the Ashtanga style.  All levels are welcome, Miranda offers a variety of poses to allow all students to practice at their own pace.

Yin Yoga with Miranda


Yin Yoga is a slow-paced yoga style where postures, or asanas, are held for longer periods of time.  Beginners may maintain each posture for 45 seconds or up to two minutes, while more advanced practitioners may stay in one asana for five minutes or more.  Yin yoga poses apply moderate stress to the connective tissues of the body—the tendons, ligaments, and fascia—with the aim to increase circulation in the joints and improve flexibility.  This meditative approach to yoga cultivates our awareness of inner silence and brings to light a universal interconnecting quality.

During a Yin class with Miranda, you can expect to hold postures from one minute to three minutes maximum. She starts the class with a light Hatha warm-up and finishes the class with meditation. It is a slow pace, relaxing and rejuvenating experience. Except for the light warm-up, postures are done sitting or lying on the floor. No previous experience is necessary to join this class.

Pre-Natal or Baby and Parent Yoga with Miranda

baby yoga

These lighthearted and carefree sessions focus on parent well-being, the pre-natal mother, and infant socialization.  There is no rushing into a class or worrying if you are a few minutes late–no stress allowed!  We begin with time to check-in and see how parents are coping; we love to hear about the nuances of being pregnant or a new parent and the changes going on in your new baby’s life.  We move through a light Hatha practice and play music and a few games if there are toddlers in tow.  The length of the class may depend on the children and their needs.

Yoga Lounge with Miranda


A great way to start off the day! Yoga Lounge is an innovative form of yoga created by Miranda Abbott, combining traditional yoga elements with Limon modern dance techniques.  Miranda developed this class to help individuals improve their mobility while they breathe and move to the beat of a drum. This invigorating class includes strength and coordination training and is suitable for all yoga practitioners. The rhythmic experience will leave you feeling uplifted and rejuvenated.

Kids Hip Hop & Creative Movement with Miranda


This class is a recreational dance course focused on developing children’s movement vocabulary, coordination, memory, and motor skills.  It’s a combination of stretching and strength exercises, creative movement, improvisational games, and routine building.  Miranda uses pop music and mixes in several styles of dance including breakdance, popping, locking, house, and hip hop. She teaches fundamental movements like skips, hops, and gallops, and incorporates technical concepts like symmetry, patterns, and counting. No experience is necessary but Miranda suggests that students should be 6 years of age to start this course. Younger students may attend with parental involvement.

Kids Ballet with Miranda


Miranda leads a creative kids ballet class that follows the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) curriculum.  The RAD was founded in 1920 and set standards for teaching dance within the UK.  Today the RAD has a presence in 84 countries, with 36 offices, and around 14,000 members worldwide. Students in this class will be eligible to attend RAD examinations.  Miranda hopes to inspire youth in Costa Rica to learn and enjoy ballet. Classes are authentic training, but most importantly are fun and lighthearted.

Kids Tap with Miranda

tap dance

Tap dance is a type of dance characterized by using the sounds of tap shoes striking the floor as a form of percussion. The sound is made by shoes that have a metal “tap” on the heel and toe. There are several major variations on tap dance including flamenco, rhythm (jazz) tap, classical tap, Broadway tap, and post-modern tap. Broadway tap is rooted in English theatrical tradition and often focuses on formations, choreography and generally less complex rhythms; it is widely performed in musical theatre. Rhythm tap focuses on musicality, and practitioners consider themselves to be a part of the jazz tradition.

Students in this class learn the fundamental steps and sounds of tap dance. Miranda has a large collection of tap shoes so it is often not necessary that students buy their own taps. Miranda’s shoes are borrowed for her lessons and the students are fitted with their own pair which will be set aside for them for classes.

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“I have gained a lot with a steady six-day a week Mysore practice and I would strongly suggest that students learn the Ashtanga series. However, I also know (as a busy mom, business owner, and author) that there is not always the time or space (without interruptions) to follow the Mysore methodology. Sometimes, when I’ve tucked the kids into bed and the house is quiet, I work on smaller shorter series. I focus on poses that I might be struggling with and give myself time to explore other ways of building strength and/or increasing mobility. I hope you enjoy my training tips. Please feel free to contact me if you have specific questions or challenges.”

-Miranda Abbott Wittman

Follow Miranda on YouTube!

Have a peek at Miranda’s YouTube Chanel for some personal training tips.

Online Tutorials

“I am pleased that you are here and have decided to experience Yoga with Miranda. Yoga styles vary so it’s important that you find one that suits you. Every yoga style has its benefits and should be practiced for some time. Your body will be more open and free to accept knowledge from meditative, energetic and spiritual forms of yoga if you don’t have physical limitations. It is my belief that we are part physical body and part spiritual body, however, we cannot fully experience the spiritual body if we are held back by our physical self. For this reason, I find Ashtanga Yoga incredibly useful, especially for a beginner. However, one cannot experience the full spectrum of yoga without incorporating the other training like breathing and energy work, and certainly not without proper eating and rest habits. They go hand in hand.”

Take care of yourself and be mindful,


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